Health issues associated with
Cushing syndrome

People with Cushing syndrome (also known as hypercortisolism) often experience:

Blood-related issues. Up to 90% of people develop high blood sugar and diabetes. 70% to 85% of people develop high blood pressure

An icon of a weight scale to represent weight gain

Weight gain. 70% to 95% of people gain weight. 50% of people develop a fatty hump between the shoulders (buffalo hump)

An icon of someone's leg and muscles to represent bone and muscle problems

Bone and muscle problems. 60% to 80% of people develop muscle weakness. 40% to 70% of people develop weak bones and fractures

An icon of a hand mirror to represent appearance changes

Appearance changes. Some people develop a round, reddened face, bruising, skin discoloration, and excess hair growth or loss

An icon of a brain to represent mental and emotional challenges

Mental and emotional challenges. Some people experience anxiety, depression, decreased memory, difficulty concentrating, sexual dysfunction, and insomnia

If you have more than one of the symptoms above, ask your healthcare provider if you should be tested for Cushing syndrome.

Signs and symptoms checklist
Use this tool to help you and your healthcare provider determine whether testing for Cushing syndrome is right for you.

Download the checklist